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Name & Email Capture

Capture names and email addresses from text messages automatically.

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Name & Email Capture

Capture names and email addresses from text messages automatically.

Trusted by over 45,000 people, organizations, and businesses like

Bullet Proof
Career Builder

record audio icon

Text To Join Mobile Keywords

People will text your mobile keyword in our short code 38470 to join your group. Capture mobile phone numbers, even email addresses.

record audio icon

Build Your Email List From Texts

Grow your email list alongside your mobile marketing efforts with no extra work. Combine multi-channel marketing for maximum effect!

record audio icon

Personalize Your Text Messages

Personalize and customize each text message to enhance your campaigns. Add in merge tags to create unique and personal messages.

record audio icon

Capture First & Last Names

Collect your subscribers first or last name right from a text message. Then personalize your messages for a more impactful message.

record audio icon

Export Your Contacts

Download and export your contacts and subscribers at anytime then import them into your CRM, email, or other software.

record audio icon

Send Automatic Followups

When someone texts in your keyword, Call Loop will deliver your auto-reply message or a series of autoresponders automatically.

record audio icon

Text To Join Mobile Keywords

People will text your mobile keyword in our short code 38470 to join your group. Capture mobile phone numbers, even email addresses.

record audio icon

Build Your Email List From Texts

Grow your email list alongside your mobile marketing efforts with no extra work. Combine multi-channel marketing for maximum effect!

record audio icon

Personalize Your Text Messages

Personalize and customize each text message to enhance your campaigns. Add in merge tags to create unique and personal messages.

record audio icon

Capture First & Last Names

Collect your subscribers first or last name right from a text message. Then personalize your messages for a more impactful message.

record audio icon

Export Your Contacts

Download and export your contacts and subscribers at anytime then import them into your CRM, email, or other software.

record audio icon

Send Automatic Followups

When someone texts in your keyword, Call Loop will deliver your auto-reply message or a series of autoresponders automatically.

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Seamless Integrations. Limitless Possibilities.

Connect effortlessly with the tools you already use.
Call Loop integrates with your favorite platforms, so you can communicate without boundaries.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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All-in-one messaging platform made easy

All of the feature you need to succeed to create, automate, and send messages with Call Loop

High Impact & Automated

"High impact automated systems which integrate simply and are reliable make Call Loop a winner for us. Following up with clients, announcements, promotions and reminders are key to increase revenue and customer satisfaction."

William A.

William A.

William Avon Financial

Fantastic support!

"Just wanted to let you know that twice now I’ve been online and have had the opportunity to work with Alex. She has been a GREAT help. She’s very responsive and has gone the extra mile every time I’ve needed it so that my issues are taken care of."

Andrew R

Andrew R

College Board

Get started for free.

Send your first message today.

Send SMS with Call Loop
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