SMS Alerts

Send instant sms alerts and notifications in a flew clicks.

Start Your 14-Day Free Trial

SMS Alerts
SMS Alerts
Upload Phone Numbers
Upload your list of phone numbers to our system, then create and send your mass sms or voice broadcast message.
SMS Alerts
Send Phone Alerts
Use our voice broadcasting phone alerts feature to send a phone call to all of your phone numbers in minutes.
SMS Alerts
98% SMS Open Rate
Text messaging is powerful. And with a 98% open rate, your message will be instantly read by those you need it most.

Frequently asked questions

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Everything you need

Analytics, audio management, autoresponders, contact management, delivery reports, marketing automation, SMS triggers, SMS broadcasts, short codes, SMS contests & coupons, voice broadcasts, and a whole lot more.

The Response Is Outrageous!

"With Call Loop we've run multiple text and voice broadcasts and we've experienced ridiculous response along with our highest registrations 30 days even before our upcoming event. As event promoter, I'm always "under the gun" to put 'butts in seats' and with Call Loop, I've got a lot less stress."

Dustin M

Dustin M

It's a HUGE time saver for us

"Call loop helped me save a ton of time. I use to call back all of my leads, but now I can everyone in one fell swoop instead of one by one. I highly recommend Call Loop!"

Chue Lor

Chue Lor

Chue Properties

Trusted by over 45,000 people, organizations, and businesses like

Bullet Proof
Career Builder

Sign up and get 25 free messages.

Check out our pricing plans. No setup fees, no contracts, no shenanigans.

Send SMS with Call Loop
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