Voice Broadcasting Calls
Record, schedule, and send your voice broadcasts to a few or a few thousand.
Trusted by over 45,000 people, organizations, and businesses like
Customize your voice blasts with two messages: one for a live pickup and an alternative message for voicemail.
Play message "A" when the person picks up and play message "B" when it goes to voicemail. Deliver the right message!
Send your voice broadcasts when you want. Select the days, the exact time, or a time range when to deliver your messages.
Give voice broadcast recipients the option to be transferred directly to a live agent to place or order, confirm an appointment, or any other activity.
Enter in your own caller id for your automated phone calls. Show the caller id that you want to appear on your recipients phone when they're called.
Your message is only played when a real persons voice or answering machine is detected. A precise system to detect when a real caller is on the line.
Customize your voice blasts with two messages: one for a live pickup and an alternative message for voicemail.
Play message "A" when the person picks up and play message "B" when it goes to voicemail. Deliver the right message!
Send your voice broadcasts when you want. Select the days, the exact time, or a time range when to deliver your messages.
Give voice broadcast recipients the option to be transferred directly to a live agent to place or order, confirm an appointment, or any other activity.
Enter in your own caller id for your automated phone calls. Show the caller id that you want to appear on your recipients phone when they're called.
Your message is only played when a real persons voice or answering machine is detected. A precise system to detect when a real caller is on the line.
With voice broadcasting software, you can send recorded messages to thousands of people simultaneously, saving you time and expanding your reach.
Create different messages for live answers and voicemails. This ensures your message fits whether a live person or voicemail answers.
You have complete control over when your messages are sent. You can pick specific days and times to make sure your message is heard at the right moment.
You can set the caller ID to display your chosen number. This makes your calls look more professional and trustworthy.
The software can detect if a real person or an answering machine picks up the call. Your message is played only when it detects a human voice or a voicemail, making sure your message is delivered correctly.
With voice broadcasting software, you can send recorded messages to thousands of people simultaneously, saving you time and expanding your reach.
Create different messages for live answers and voicemails. This ensures your message fits whether a live person or voicemail answers.
You have complete control over when your messages are sent. You can pick specific days and times to make sure your message is heard at the right moment.
You can set the caller ID to display your chosen number. This makes your calls look more professional and trustworthy.
The software can detect if a real person or an answering machine picks up the call. Your message is played only when it detects a human voice or a voicemail, making sure your message is delivered correctly.
Customize your voice blasts with two messages: one for a live pickup and an alternative message for voicemail.
Play message "A" when the person picks up and play message "B" when it goes to voicemail. Deliver the right message!
Send your voice broadcasts when you want. Select the days, the exact time, or a time range when to deliver your messages.
Customize your voice blasts with two messages: one for a live pickup and an alternative message for voicemail.
Play message "A" when the person picks up and play message "B" when it goes to voicemail. Deliver the right message!
Send your voice broadcasts when you want. Select the days, the exact time, or a time range when to deliver your messages.
Create your pre-recorded voice message. Make sure it’s clear and to the point. This message will be what your recipients hear.
Use the voice broadcasting software to upload your recorded message and enter the phone numbers of your recipients. This step ensures that the right message goes to the right people.
Choose the date and time you want your message to be sent. You can schedule it for immediate delivery or set it for a future time. This gives you complete control over when your message is delivered.
The software automatically calls the numbers on your list, detecting whether a real person or voicemail answers and delivering the appropriate message to ensure effective communication.
If you enable call forwarding, recipients can be transferred directly to a live agent for further actions like placing orders or confirming appointments. This feature helps in engaging with your audience in real-time.
Create your pre-recorded voice message. Make sure it’s clear and to the point. This message will be what your recipients hear.
Use the voice broadcasting software to upload your recorded message and enter the phone numbers of your recipients. This step ensures that the right message goes to the right people.
Choose the date and time you want your message to be sent. You can schedule it for immediate delivery or set it for a future time. This gives you complete control over when your message is delivered.
The software automatically calls the numbers on your list, detecting whether a real person or voicemail answers and delivering the appropriate message to ensure effective communication.
If you enable call forwarding, recipients can be transferred directly to a live agent for further actions like placing orders or confirming appointments. This feature helps in engaging with your audience in real-time.
Connect effortlessly with the tools you already use.
Call Loop integrates with your favorite platforms, so you can communicate without boundaries.
Emergency Alerts
Voice broadcasting is widely used by government agencies, schools, or large organizations to quickly send out critical information during emergencies like weather warnings, safety alerts, or public health updates. It allows for mass communication to a large audience within minutes.
Surveys and Polls
Companies and organizations use voice broadcasting to conduct automated surveys or polls, reaching a large number of people quickly and efficiently. Responses are often collected through touch-tone or voice-activated systems, making it easy to gather data for market research.
Debt Collection Reminders
Debt collection agencies use voice broadcasting to remind customers of outstanding payments or deadlines. It provides a consistent, automated way to handle overdue accounts without involving staff for each call, helping improve efficiency while maintaining compliance.
Employee Communication
Companies use voice broadcasts for internal communication with employees. Whether it's an important update or a motivational message, sending a voice blast ensures that all employees receive the information, even if they are away from their desks or don't check their email frequently.
Event Invitations and Reminders
Voice broadcasting is commonly used to send event invitations, registration confirmations, or reminders for conferences, webinars, or in-person gatherings. This ensures that participants are kept informed, leading to better attendance and engagement.
Fundraising Campaigns
Nonprofits and charitable organizations often use voice broadcasting to reach out to donors, sharing updates about ongoing initiatives and encouraging contributions. This method is effective in engaging past donors and prompting immediate responses, particularly during urgent fundraising efforts.
Voice broadcasting software allows you to record, schedule, and send pre-recorded voice messages to a large number of recipients simultaneously. It enables direct-to-voicemail messages, call transfers, and customization for live or voicemail messages, making communication efficient and scalable.
Yes, voice broadcasts are legal, but they must comply with telemarketing laws and regulations, including obtaining consent from recipients and following do-not-call registry rules. Always check the legal requirements specific to your region before using voice broadcasting.
To broadcast voice messages, voice broadcasting software is used. This software allows you to upload pre-recorded messages, schedule broadcasts, and send them to multiple recipients. It includes features like voice recognition, customized caller ID, and call forwarding options.
An example of voice broadcasting is using the software to send appointment reminders to clients. The pre-recorded message can be scheduled and sent to remind clients of their appointments, reducing no-shows and ensuring timely attendance.
To set up a phone blast, record your message, upload it along with your contact list into the voice broadcasting software, schedule the date and time for the broadcast, and the software will automatically call and deliver the message to your recipients.
A broadcasting service refers to the technology and software that allow you to send pre-recorded voice messages to multiple recipients at once. It includes features for recording, scheduling, and managing responses, making it an effective tool for mass communication.
All of the feature you need to succeed to create, automate, and send messages with Call Loop
"Since I started using Call Loop to remind people of my webinars, I've increased my show rate by 24%. If you know anything about webinars, you know that that means some serious money. Using Call Loop we consistently make $3,000 - $5,000 more each webinar."
Brian B
"I am a Realtor and Call Loop has allowed me to amass a buyers list of hundreds with just 1 hour a week. It provided the tool that allowed my business to create systems instead of to do's!"
Roger L.
Key Realty