Voice Broadcasting

Record, schedule, and send your voice broadcasts to a few or a few thousand. Direct to voicemail, call transfers, or customize your audio for live or voicemail messages. It's fully customizable.

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Call Loop Voice

Trusted by over 45,000 people, organizations, and businesses like

Bullet Proof
Career Builder

Voicemail & Live Answer Only Options

Customize your voice blasts with two messages: one for a live pickup and an alternative message for voicemail.

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Customized Audio Delivery

Play message "A" when the person picks up and play message "B" when it goes to voicemail. Deliver the right message!

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calendar plus

Complete Scheduling Control

Send your voice broadcasts when you want. Select the days, the exact time, or a time range when to deliver your messages.

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Live Transfers & Call Forwarding

Give voice broadcast recipients the option to be transferred directly to a live agent to place or order, confirm an appointment, or any other activity.

Customized Caller ID

Enter in your own caller id for your automated phone calls. Show the caller id that you want to appear on your recipients phone when they're called.

Voice Recognition

Your message is only played when a real persons voice or answering machine is detected. A precise system to detect when a real caller is on the line.

All-in-one messaging platform made easy

All of the feature you need to succeed to create, automate, and send messages with Call Loop

Call Loop gives us 614% ROI!

"When we use Call Loop for our webinars and teleseminars, it always drives us more attendance and more sales. We don't ever host a webinar without sending a voice broadcast and text message."

Mitch M.

Mitch M.

Info Renegades

Fantastic support!

"Just wanted to let you know that twice now I’ve been online and have had the opportunity to work with Alex. She has been a GREAT help. She’s very responsive and has gone the extra mile every time I’ve needed it so that my issues are taken care of."

Andrew R

Andrew R

College Board

Get started for free.

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